Faith in Action

St. Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

St. Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Wauwatosa has had an active Care for Creation team since 2006. Jeanne Collins, a member of the team, writes about their efforts: “How did they do it? Caring for Creation and environmentalism in general, is a big idea and a huge commitment. What can one person, one group of people, one congregation really accomplish? They did it by recognizing that small, sustainable steps grow into larger ones, and small ideas can inspire large efforts.”
Read here what activities the Care for Creation team promoted.

John Hainze, a member of St. Paul's Episcopal Church on Milwaukee's East Side, reflects on why his congregation decided to apply for GreenFaith certification, a two-year environmental leadership program that provides extensive resources and support for houses of worship. For more information check

We learned about GreenFaith through the Ground for Hope - Wisconsin conference that was jointly sponsored with Interfaith Earth Network. In considering how we might develop a focus on the environment and sustainability at St. Paul's, the GreenFaith certification process seems to provide a structured approach with ample support. And, it provides a very visible process that the parish can rally around. This is a new initiative for St Paul's, but there was already a latent interest in the environment, and the parish had taken steps with lighting and low flush toilets, for example, to reduce our environmental footprint. Additionally, the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, Katharine Jefferts Schori, spoke on the environment at St Paul's in January. I think that was a significant point of inspiration for us.

Read more here.

Unitarian Church North

The Unitarian Church North (UCN) website states the following about the history of its Green Team:

As a relatively new committee, the Green Committee grew out of a Barn Banter held in the spring of 2007. Coordinated by then Minister Elena Rigg, this meeting drew 36 people and demonstrated the desire for involvement in environmental issues both within our congregation and beyond. The Barn Banter brainstorming session generated many ideas and much enthusiasm. This general meeting was followed-up with summer meetings where a vision and mission were created.
On September 10, 2007 the UCN Board approved the Green Committee as a standing committee.

Read about their activities here.

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